A Clubhouse Tale...
Established in 2023, the clubhouse was designed to provide a resource to parents. Inspired by the mothering level of care I received from my Mother, Barbara, I wanted to provide the same loving environment for my clients I received and watched her provide. However, I quickly realized that I couldn't exactly replicate Barbara's methods. One time, I tried to soothe a crying baby by singing a song that she used to sing, but it turned out to be a heavy metal song! Needless to say, the baby didn't appreciate it. I learned that while it's great to be inspired by others, it's important find your own unique approach... and that's exactly what I did...
About Us
Tanisha Ammons-Lampley
Founder,Owner Operator
With well over 25 years of experience, Tanisha Ammons-Lampley has earned her well-established reputation within the Beverly childcare community. Throughout her extensive career, beginning with assisting her mother in her own day care center from the age of 18, Tanisha continued caring for and developing a profound love of children by working in a variety of childcare settings. Tanisha has spent the past 12 years of her career educating children at a local Montessori school in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago, where she held many valuable positions; all of which have provided her the leadership capabilities she possesses today.
In her last role, she began as floater and was promoted to Assistant Teacher, Co-Teacher, Assistant Head of School and ultimately Head of School. Tanisha has proven herself to be a dedicated, caring and professional asset to the children in her care as well as their parents. Tanisha continues to expand her knowledge of childcare trends via attending continued education seminars, meet ups and any opportunities that allow her to stay abreast of industry topics and advancements that further enhance her knowledge of the skills necessary to work with children of all ages and demographics.
"My passion is teaching, inspiring, and challenging children to love learning. It's very gratifying to observe them learning and witness their 'light bulb' moments. My daily reward is watching my children flourish into bright learners. My goal is to make sure every child in my care thrives."
A 2022 graduate of Northern Illinois University with a B.S. in Human Development & Family Science majoring in Child Development with a minor in Parent-Infant Specialization. Khamrym Lampley has followed closely in the footsteps of her mother. Similar to her mother, throughout high school Khamrym was employed as a part time teachers assistant at a local Montessori school in the Beverly neighborhood of Chicago. It was here that her aspirations as a caregiver began to flourish.
Khamrym states, "My perspectives of child rearing are based on my interactions with my peers, family members and other likeminded professionals. I believe that positive connections boost the likelihood that young children will reach their fullest potential". "I also believe that parental participation is integral to a child's growth, these two things will ensure that a child has a favorable experience in school and in life. My job as a teacher is to help students gain a better grasp of the skills they need to succeed. This is done by interacting with children through talking, singing and play. These exercises are important because it builds the children's language and communication skills."
"My goal every day is to assist parents in extending the education of their children outside of the classroom."